Oxford Philatelic Society

Federation(s):Thames Valley & District Philatelic Federation
Society Website:https://oxfordphilatelicsociety.wordpress.com/
Meeting Location:Methodist Church
Rose Hill
Meeting Day(s) and Time:Monday evenings (+5 mornings in winter)
Secretary name:David Potts
Secretary Contact Number:01865 511 340
Secretary email:davidrpotts@hotmail.co.uk
Additional Information:Oxford Philatelic Society The Oxford Philatelic Society was founded in 1890. It is affiliated to The Thames Valley & District Philatelic Federation and to the Association of British Philatelic Societies (ABPS). In Feb. 2016, we published our History, written by member Alan M. Hughes. Meetings are held in the Methodist Church, Rose Hill, Oxford OX4 4HS. Evening meetings are held monthly, usually on the third Monday of the month, and are at 7.00 for 7.30 p.m. We also hold morning meetings in the darker months of November to March on the first Monday of the month, 10.00 a.m. to 12 noon. We have about 60 members and meetings are attended by an average of 25. The meetings usually start with a “bring and buy” session. We also have a packet circulation of stamp books assembled by members and associate members who sell with a small commission going to the Society. Annual full membership, which includes free refreshments at meetings, is £10.00 per annum. Associate members, who wish to sell stamps via our packet circulation, pay £2.00 per year. Junior membership is free, but juniors must be accompanied by an adult full member. The Society holds its Annual General Meeting in June and the accounts are available for inspection to all paid-up members at meetings. The Society is currently supporting a project, which is being run by the Stamp Active Network of the ABPS, to promote Stamp Collecting amongst the young people of Oxford.