Each year the ABPS coordinates the various awards that are given.
The Roll of Distinguished Philatelists is administered through the RDP Board of Election and RDP Trust, and the nominations form is available for download via the link on the right of this page. For further information please contact Jon Aitchison britishlocals@aol.com.
The Congress Medal and the Awards of Merit are given under the auspices of ABPS and the Awards committee is chaired by Yvonne Wheatley awards@abps.org.uk. The Congress Medal recognises an outstanding contribution at national level over an extended period. The award is given to only one person each year.
Nominations for an Award of Merit can be accepted from Federations, Affiliated Specialist Societies and Affiliated Local Societies and specifically in respect of service to those respected bodies and philately. The Award of Merit recognises an exceptional contribution to philately at any level. Multiple awards may be made in any one year.
Application forms can be found by clicking on Awards of Merit page.
The awards are made at the beginning of each year.