The ABPS can provide financial support to local and specialist societies where additional funds are needed to help with an activity to promote philately.
By way of example, this could include holding an exhibition in a local library or museum to promote a society, arranging a seminar or producing promotional material.
Applications for a small grant, with details of the project, can be made by email to
Past grants include:
Grant to an individual for room hire and materials with regard to a seminar organised to instruct philatelic society representatives wishing to design websites.
Grant to Cockermouth Stamp Club to assist in publicising a “Stamp Day” Exhibition and organising a “Stamps in the Attic” event.
Grant to Banbury Stamp Society to hold a seminar on Competitive Philately for members of Societies affiliated to the Midland Philatelic Federation and the Thames Valley Philatelic Federation as part of their Festival of Stamps. Covered the cost of additional room hire and handouts for delegates.