Every care is taken in the presentation of this information and we are sure you will find it an invaluable reference source. However, the publishers cannot be held responsible for any errors. Please check with the organisers and/or traders before setting off on a long journey.

- This event has passed.
September 24, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

HAMPEX 2022 24th September 2022 10am – 4pm
Excitement at the TPO & Seapost Stand
Hampshire Philatelic Federation Show. More than 20 Dealers in stamps, cinderellas, postal history and more. Selected Society Meetings as well as displays by Hampshire’s leading Societies.
HAMPEX 2022 is planned to be held on Saturday 24th September 2022 at Wickham Centre, Mill Lane, Wickham, near Fareham, PO17 5AL (off A32 and A334).
Doors open at 10:00 am.
The event will, of course be subject to any further Government guidelines or rules applicable at the time of the event taking place.
HAMPEX Hotline for dealers: Colin Mount (01425 474310)
At Wickham there is a large amount of free parking and easy access from the A32 and A334. Cafeteria facilities will be available.
Details of dealers attending will be posted by end January 2022. Specialist Societies are welcome to apply for a table or a meeting room.
Come to see Hampshire’s Competitive Inter-society Exhibition. It is planned to hold the Howard White, Jan Kaluski and single frame competitions judged to National Standards. Details to be provided by end January 2022.
More detail here: http://www.hantsfederation.org.uk/hpfhpx.htm